"Это невозможно" - сказала причина, "Это безрассудно" - сказал опыт, "Это болезненно" - сказала гордость, "Попробуй" - сказала мечта...
Sun - is a far from my home

Is a far from my peace

But it near the freedom

Luck - is a kind of fortune

You can chouse one of way

Wait for the dream...

Set is a wonderful thing

We can keep an eye

That the day fall asleep

Day must be sudden and bright

But one moment at last

Night will become..

Look at the sunset and think

But you mustn't be sad

For the nature is godness

Smile, when you see the skyline

And dalay raight your hand

Towards your fate....

Set is a wonderful thing

We can keep an eye

That the day fall asleep

Day must be sudden and bright

But one moment at last

Night will become..

Sit in front of a sun

Than you can close your eyes

Filling a power

(Late) You'll come to one self

But remember of all

Beyond the sunset...

@музыка: та же

@настроение: спатки хоцца.